All posts tagged: panster versus plotter

Write On, Wednesday: My Patchwork Novel

By Leslie Lindsay I am a pantser. Not in real life, mind you. In real life, I plan and ponder and process. But in in my writing life, I follow the pen. And now I have the big task of  piece-ing my novel together. At first, it sounded fun. Here’s how I had imagined things working: Focus on one character at a time in my multple-POV novel (which straddles several time periods). Write the first draft–a decent first draft–of each chapter for each chacter (neverminding what order those chapters “came,” just as long as they did but still sticking with that one character). Done! Send chapter-by-chapter to my lovely critique partner for her feedback lashing thoughful comments and then revise. Did that. Now I can honestly say I have a revised first draft. Does that make it draft 2? Well, if we’re not splitting hairs, then yes. Now I have all POVs done. But they are not in any kind of order. At all. Sure, in my mind, it’s brilliant and I have a good sense …